Tips to Overcome Cyberbullying
Vanuatu IGF | November 11, 2022
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Learn how you can deal with cyberbulling... READ MORE ➔

Stap sef long intanet olteam
Vanuatu IGF | November 11, 2022
Emi no wan sicret se intanet e kat ol rabis man tu lo m. Be blo sta sef taem yu ko lo intanet e no minim se bai yu ofem intenet blo yu. Insted, yu save folem olgeta fasin ya blo sta sef lo intanet oltaem... READ MORE ➔

Facebook Unfriend
Vanuatu IGF | November 11, 2022
Social Media dominates a lot of people’s lives, but are our obsessions with social media putting us in danger? Just how many friends do you have on Facebook? And out of them friends, how many do you actually know? And how many are strangers? Do you know these strangers can be criminals? unfriend strangers on social media for your safety. READ MORE ➔

Yumi STOPEM Cyberbullying
Vanuatu IGF | November 11, 2022
See an offended post? Did someone sends you a threatening message? Did someone posts your private or embarrassing photos online? Or did somone steals your password and and impersonate you online? Report it today with Vanuatu IGF! READ MORE ➔

Be Friendly Online
Vanuatu IGF | November 11, 2022
A safer internet includes more uplifting and encouraging posts, and comments. Spreading love online can be done in many ways, like posting a positive message, liking a post that is encouraging, or sharing an inspiring article. Here are just some tips of being friendly online: READ MORE ➔